AQTRONiX WebKnight

Windows This is a Community Contributed Download

Supported byEmail
Works WithIIS 5, IIS 5.1, IIS 6, IIS 7, IIS 7.5, IIS 8, IIS 8.5, IIS 10
DocumentationAQTRONiX WebKnight Documentation
Updated onApril 18, 2016
Uploaded byAQTRONiX


WebKnight is a very popular and open source WAF for IIS. WebKnight blocks known exploits and 0-days by detecting HTTP protocol violations and by limiting parameters sent to your web application. Scanning for the OWASP Top 10 attack signatures and a lot more that we've seen since the year 2002 when we started this GNU GPL project.


WebKnight limits HTTP request headers, verb, url, HTTP version, query and entity data sent to your application. It inspects these for:

  • SQLi
  • XSS
  • parameter pollution
  • encoding exploits
  • bad robots
  • leeching and hot linking
  • DoS attacks
  • information leakage
  • and a lot more...

WebKnight integrates closely with IIS to avoid impedance mismatches. WebKnight supports whitelisting techniques like assigning validators to your application parameters.


  • Defends your web application against attacks and blocks nasty robots as well.
  • Gives you insight into the ongoing attacks and gains visibility for the blue team.
  • Achieve PCI DSS compliance requirements.
  • Open source (GNU GPL), you only pay for support.


Out-of-the-box settings are quite restrictive, so it is recommended to review the settings before installing. Running WebKnight in logging only mode is another option (see Incident Response Handling) until you have it configured.