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Community Downloads for IIS...

Community downloads are submitted by IIS community members and do not benefit from Microsoft approval or support, and should be downloaded with this in mind.

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All Community Contributed Downloads

PHP Manager 2.0 Beta 1 for IIS

Published on 08/01/2018 by lextm


PHP Manager for IIS is a tool for managing one or many PHP installations compatible with all supported versions of IIS - 7.0-10.0.

PHP Manager 1.5.0 for IIS 10

Published on 05/31/2018 by fajner


PHP Manager for IIS is a tool for managing one or many PHP installations compatible with the latest version of IIS - 10.

Brotli Compression Scheme Plugin

Published on 02/06/2018 by saucecontrol


This Compression Scheme Plugin exposes Google's Brotli encoding library to the IIS built-in Static and Dynamic Compression Modules. This plugin requires no additional licensing and is free for all users.


Published on 04/25/2017 by jnhaas


The HttpLogBrowser is a free Windows desktop application that helps analyze HTTP logs of web sites hosted either in IIS or in Microsoft Azure. With this tool it’s easy to find abnormal or peak activity thanks to a statistic evolution chart that let you zoom in specific periods of time to see what’s going on. It’s then easy to determine involved web pages or IP addresses thanks to the automatically calculated field statistics. Just with a click on a value it’s possible to filter down the view....

AQTRONiX WebKnight

Published on 04/18/2016 by AQTRONiX


WebKnight is a very popular and open source WAF for IIS. WebKnight blocks known exploits and 0-days by detecting HTTP protocol violations and by limiting parameters sent to your web application. Scanning for the OWASP Top 10 attack signatures and a lot more that we've seen since the year 2002 when we started this GNU GPL project.

iislua for iis 7.x

Published on 06/24/2015 by shibayan


Brings the power of Lua scripting into your IIS. You can handle the HTTP request and response as a lua-nginx-module.